sunset chevron

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Swimmin’ with the dolphins!!


We finally got our dolphin pictures in the mail!!!  I was so excited to get them!!  Okay, so on our honeymoon we went swimming with dolphins in Puerto Vallarta.  It was SO MUCH FUN!!  They were a lot bigger than I thought they would be, but I was in heaven the whole time…Andrew even enjoyed it haha. 

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When we first got there they had a sea lion there that gave us a kiss.  It smelled really bad, not going to lie…like rotten fish, but it was still adorable!!

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I don’t think he wanted to give Andrew a kiss….or maybe Andrew didn’t want one haha.


This was right before we got in the with dolphins..the photographer wanted us to show how excited we were.  I think Andrew and I were the most excited…

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The trainer would give a fish to the dolphin and it would swim over to us then we would take the fish our of it’s mouth and drop it into their mouth.  It was really cool to feel their teeth and see their tongues. 

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Andrew takin’ a ride with the dolphins.  They were actually really fast and you had a hold on tight otherwise they’d just leave you.

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Riding with the dolphins.  They were so smooth to touch!

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I would do this everyday if I could!!  They had trainers there from all over the world.  Our trainer was from Canada and she had only been working with the dolphins for a few months, but she did a great job!  This is definitely my dream job…

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Next they had the dolphins swim on their backs and we rode on their bellies around the pool.  This was really fun to do! I think they swam faster that way then they did when they were on their bellies.

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Once we got off the ship in Puerto Vallarta they had us meet in our expedition groups.  We were the youngest people in our group.  All the young couples were doing the zipline and stuff, so we were wondering what we got ourselves into.  Thinking it would be really slow, but judging by this picture I’d say we had a blast! 

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We had a great time and it was an awesome experience!! 


  1. Looks like fun, Jenna! I just stumbled onto your blog and I am excited to read more. Congrats on your marriage!

  2. Ha ha. Oh Jenna. I miss you! I am SO JEALOUS! I love dolphins! And only you would find a nasty kiss smelly but adorable. LOL. Thanks for the update and sharing your awesome pictures! Oh and thanks for Billy! I can't wait to listen to him again and cherish him for always and forever! Ha ha!

  3. I love the pictures! Sea lions frighten me and I would never let one kiss me. UGH! Maybe you'll have another opportunity to swim with the dolphins someday! Cute, cute pics!

  4. You two are tooo stinking cute and having way too much fun. LOL! Good luck with your last semester of school. Love You LOTS!

  5. Looks like lots of fun! I'm glad you got to swim with the dolphins! I think it would neat.

  6. Love the pictures! Looks like fun! I think I would be too scared to try this but I don't know...maybe one day! I like the picture of the sea lion giving you a kiss. So sweet!
